fallout 76 canvas bags

The Fallout 76 canvas bags controversy is finally over

It’s been exactly seven months since Fallout 76 released, and only now have all players’ orders been fulfilled as promised. Gamers who ordered the Power Armor Edition of the game are finally receiving their Fallout 76 canvas bags. It’s been a rocky road, but we’re finally at the end of the canvas bag controversy.

This all started back when Bethesda announced the Power Armor Edition of Fallout 76. This $200 special edition came with figurines, in-game items, a steelbook case, a wearable Power Armor helmet, and a canvas carrying bag. Yes, according to the Bethesda website, when the special edition first went live, the bag it came with was to be made from canvas. This became the crux of the controversy when players received their initial special editions and the bags were instead made of cheap nylon. The website then changed the item description to “nylon” instead, but players were understandably incensed that they’d paid for canvas and got nylon. To add insult to injury, there was also a recent data breach that revealed sensitive information when players logged in and tried to submit a ticket to get their proper canvas bags.

Bethesda did its best to amend a mistake that shouldn’t have happened. In December, players who ordered the Power Armor Edition got emails confirming that their canvas bags were in production and would arrive in 4-6 months. They were also given 500 ATOMs, the Fallout 76 in-game currency. While this seemed cheap and not enough, Bethesda stood by the decision.

Now, we have arrived at seven months since release, and players are finally receiving their Fallout 76 canvas bags. While the canvas sacks were wrinkled from being stuffed into such small shipping bags, at the very least they are made of the promised material. We’ve finally reached the end of the canvas bag controversy, barring any strange circumstances with the replacement sacks.

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