Battlefield 3 Free For PlayStation Plus Subscribers

Sony announced via PlayStation Blog that July's free game for PlayStation Plus subscribers is Battlefield 3 from Electronic Arts and Digital Illusions CE.

That's a big one. Battlefield 3's core Rush maps like Metro and quickly classic Conquest maps like Caspian Sea provide countless hours of awesome gameplay. Expect to get smashed by Premium subscribers who've been with the game since launch. Also, if you're trying it out after playing on PC, expect some other hardships.

Regardless, this represents a huge win for Sony and for PS3 gamers, plus it seems like there are a lot more Plus signs popping up on my friends list and on the comments on the PlayStation Blog. Jet Set Radio and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD have also been made available for free on PS3, while Metal Slug XX and Dokuro have been made free on Vita.

Remember, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, and the rest of June's PS+ additions will be disappearing…. uh like Deus Ex: Human Revolution RIGHT NOW.

Oh yeah, and there's the Summer Blast 2013 sale. It's hot inside, so 'eff that and play video games instead.

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