Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion announced at Blizzcon

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons expansion announced at BlizzCon

Despite the various challenges that it has faced, Blizzard’s Hearthstone soldiers on. At BlizzCon 2019, the company revealed the latest expansion for it’s digital trading-card game, Descent of Dragons, which will come out on December 10.

The new expansion is the third part of the “Year of the Dragon” trilogy that started with the Rise of Shadows and continued with Shadows of Uldum. Here, the League of Explorers finds itself chasing the League of Evil onto the the Dragonblight in Northrend.

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As the final expansion of the Year of the Dragon, the Descent of Dragons promises to feature more dragons than previous expansions. This includes a number of new cards, including the progenitor of Dragonkind Galakrond, who’s card can continue to evolve using the new Invoke mechanic.

The announcement comes after the company made an apology for its hasty actions in regards to the incident earlier last month at the game’s Asia-Pacific Grandmasters tournament. Following this, the announcement of the new expansion looks to help Hearthstone recover from the backlash it suffered from the incident.

Here’s the announcement trailer.

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