Street Fighter 5 netcode Bison

Street Fighter 5 netcode modder improves game, demands Capcom ‘fix [their] s****’

Ask any fighting game pro and they’ll tell you that the Street Fighter 5 netcode occasionally has some problems. Apparently, they weren’t all that difficult to fix since a modder somehow managed to fix the netcode for Street Fighter 5 with just two days of work, and he’s not happy without how Capcom has been handling things.

The /r/Games subreddit highlighted a submission to the /r/StreetFighter subreddit which explains the mod and provides a download link. It also has a dash of criticism from the modder himself, but to understand things, we need a bit of context.

Street Fighter 5 netcode Zangief R. Mika

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Apparently, there’s a bug in Street Fighter 5 where one player’s game will fall out of sync with that of another player, causing a strange sort of lag and rolling back the progress of one of the players. According to comments on both subreddits, this problem was identified by key figures in the fighting game community like Skullgirls creator Mike Z and Good Game Peace Out create Tony Cannon within weeks of the game’s initial release.

Unfortunately, Capcom has, for one reason or another, not fixed the problem. That’s why modder Altimor stepped up to fix it himself. He also had some rather choice words for the creators of the Street Fighter franchise:

Fix your s*** Capclown

This took a bit over 2 days to make, while Capcom hasn’t patched the bug for 4 years. Most of that was reverse engineering. It would take more like 30 minutes with the source code. MikeZ even made a tweet pinpointing the cause of the bug during the beta.

It should be noted that using this against PS4 players isn’t the best idea since there’s no way for them to install the mod. If you happen to be in a PC vs. PC battle and this issue crops up, the player with the mod will not experience any problems; the player without this mod won’t be so lucky.

Comments in the /r/StreetFighter submission note that some people have had massive improvements but others have had some problems. Altimor appears to be tweaking the mod here and there to get the fix just right, so this mod may not yet be entirely finished.

If you’d like to take a crack at this mod to fix the Street Fighter 5 netcode, you can grab it over at the /r/StreetFighter subreddit. Remember to avoid PS4 Cross-Play matches with the mod installed!

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