Epic Games Publishing

Epic Games expands into publishing with Control and The Last Guardian developers

Earlier today, Control developer Remedy Entertainment announced that they’re making a new AAA game. Now we know how they’re making it, as Epic Games Publishing is working with Remedy for their next game along with The Last Guardian developed gen DESIGN and Inside’s developer Playdead.

“We’re building the publishing model we always wanted for ourselves when we worked with publishers,” said Epic’s Founder and CEO Tim Sweeney in a news post.

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Epic Games Publishing has outlined its plans for how they will work with developers. 100% of development costs will be covered and the devs will earn 50% or more of the profits from sales. Furthermore, the developers will retain 100% control of their IP.

More information will be released in the coming months. There are, however, a few mysteries still remaining. One question is how these games will be deployed on the Epic Games Store — will they only be one-year exclusives, or will the exclusivity period last much longer?

Another puzzling question is exactly what these companies will be publishing under Epic Games’ new label. The Last GuardianInsideLimbo, and Control are all fantastic games in their own right, and these talented game development studios are sure to cook up something awesome.

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