Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition

Apex Legends’ Gibraltar is next up for a special edition DLC

Apex Legends already has four “Legend Editions” pertaining to specific characters, but now, Gibraltar looks set to become the fifth spotlighted combatant. Fans of the Polynesian powerhouse will receive the exclusive King of the Sea, Terror of the Deep, and Making Waves cosmetics by purchasing Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition. Better yet, the pack looks set to launch later this month.

Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition features exclusive tribal skins

Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition

Gibraltar has been a favorite amongst players since Apex Legends first launched. Described as the “Shielded Fortress,” he’s massive in stature and a defensive savant. Despite looking and sounding pretty mean, Gibraltar is a gentle giant and very easy to warm up to. So, it’s no wonder that EA and Respawn look set to make him the star of their next Legend Edition package.

Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition contents

  • Gibraltar skin — King of the Sea
  • Weapon skin — Terror of the Deep
  • Gibraltar badge — Making Waves
  • Apex Legends game

As revealed by data miner Shrugtal, all of the cosmetics feature traditional tribal designs. Players can celebrate Gibraltar’s Polynesian heritage with an exclusive character outfit, weapon wrap, and profile icon.

It isn’t entirely clear what gun the Terror of the Deep weapon skin belongs to, though it looks to be either the Devotion LMG or the M600 Spitfire. There shouldn’t be too long to wait for an official announcement that’ll clear up any confusion.

According to Shrugtal, the Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition release date is Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Obviously, Feb 16 isn’t far off so players should be able to use the new Gibraltar cosmetics throughout Season 8.

The Apex Legends map received some big changes for the new season, so it only seems right that users get new skins to help complement it. There’s also a new Black Lives Matter badge in the game to celebrate black history month; a cause that Gibraltar himself would no doubt appreciate.

For more on Apex, here’s how to fix the 2021 crashing issue.

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