Nintendo Direct Metroid Prime 4

Will we finally see Metroid Prime 4 at the September Nintendo Direct?

Will there be a Nintendo Direct Metroid Prime 4 appearance at long last? It’s been several years since the last appearance and full confirmation that Metroid Prime 4 Switch was indeed in the works, but other than revealing that original series creators Retro Studios were back on the game — after taking time off to do two excellent Donkey Kong Country games — fans have heard much at all. Could Nintendo Direct September show Metroid Prime 4, finally?

Nintendo Direct: Metroid Prime 4 finally shown off?

Nintendo Direct Metroid Prime 4

It’s possible that Metroid Prime 4 could be shown at tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct for September, but it seems more likely that it won’t be. Nintendo of America has said that the stream is “focused mainly on Nintendo Switch games launching this Winter.” Metroid Prime 4 is not going to release this Winter, and while “mainly” suggests there will be at least one title from beyond this time period, it may not be Metroid Prime 4.

Why not? Because Nintendo will almost definitely be showing next month’s Metroid Dread, and it would be a horrible move — both in terms of business and insult to developer MercurySteam — to present Metroid Prime 4 as well, which will certainly get more fan attention.

With Metroid Dread releasing on October 8, barely a couple of weeks away, it seems most likely that Nintendo will focus on that game in this particular stream. However, for anyone desperately hoping for some Metroid Prime 4 news tomorrow, it’s possible Nintendo may choose to highlight some connection between Metroid Dread and the Prime series instead. Nevertheless, fans will probably have to wait until at least the following Nintendo Direct to hear more on Metroid Prime 4.

Aside from Metroid Dread, Nintendo fans can at least expect to hear more on the Nintendo Switch OLED edition — and possibly news on the final Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter. Only one thing’s for sure on that front, which is that it definitely won’t be Devil May Cry’s Dante. Shame.

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