Bayonetta 3 Leaks

Bayonetta 3 Leaks With Massive Gameplay Spoilers

Be warned, fellow witches! Several Bayonetta 3 leaks have appeared online and are circulating at the moment, revealing massive spoilers for the game’s story and gameplay. In particular, two videos show off the opening sequence as well as the many other cutscenes that show the struggle of Bayonetta and her friends against a new threat.

Bayonetta 3 leaks reveal the story prologue

We won’t be spoiling anything here apart from what has already been revealed by the developers, and for obvious reasons, we’re not going to share any of the leaks here. What we will say is that the videos follow the plot described by the writers so far, with strange lifeforms who suddenly attack the streets of Shibuya in Tokyo. Bayonetta and her fellow allies appear to attempt to repel these otherworldly threats, who seem to be neither angels nor demons in nature.

Hopefully Nintendo and Platinum Games will can take as many of these leaks down as possible before Bayonetta 3’s global release date on October 28 for Nintendo Switch. Until then, get dodging those spoilers!

On October 20, PlatinumGames made an official statement on Twitter, defending the current voice actor for Bayonetta, Jennifer Hale, who has received attacks from fans after the former voice actor for the character, Hellena Taylor, accused the developer for lowballing her for the role. Bayonetta 3 will release with a premium Trinity Masquerade Edtion while the original Bayonetta will be getting a physical release.

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