Your Guide to GameRevolution

Hi! How are you? Are you… are you lost? Did you stumble upon this strange website from some other scary part of the internet? Don't worry, you're safe here. We're got a varied staff with a ton of gaming experience among us. You'd do well to stay here, chat about games, comment on our news, or participate in our forums.

GameRevolution is one of the oldest gaming sites on the Internet, with well over a decade of history to it. Of course, quite a few changes have been made, even in the past six months the face of GameRevolution has changed rapidly. We've also got plenty of new readers and we're hoping to bring in even more!

You'll quickly find that GameRevolution is a uniquely independent, alternative voice in the gaming industry. Our reviews reach back generations and rival the depths of the biggest gaming sites. Sit back, relax, and take a tour of GameRevolution's recurring features, columns, and databases.

We'll update this post as new pieces are added to the great GameRevolution puzzle.

Reviews: GameRevolution has been reviewing games for decades. Looking for the verdict on a classic title? Try our database. It's huge! We've got over 3,000 reviews and we're still counting. Sure, it's a struggle. Not every game is fun to play. Most of them suck. Hey! We're not afraid to tell you what games are great and what gamers are complete shit. It helps that we've maintained our integrity through thick and thin too.

Previews: We shoot straight with our reviews, but that attitude doesn't stop there. We'll be keeping it on the level in our previews as well. Whether we're getting an exclusive first look or covering massive events like the Electronic Entertainment Expo, our preview coverage is deep, critical, and more importantly, on time!

The Manifesto: Easily a driving factor in GameRevolution's unique, unbridled industry-wide voice, The Manifesto is like the Eye of Sauron and Who's Line is it Anyway? all rolled into one, convenient stream of content. We've got regular features and your daily guffaw in one place. You won't need to stray too far for giveaways, impressions, goofs, and anger… lots and lots of anger. Keep it locked on The Manifesto.

Haiku Fridays: We're not beyond showing you dear readers a little tenderness, a little care. Sure, we've got plenty of tough love, we've got the roof over your head and we put food on the table, but everybody loves presents. We're always giving away the latest games, point cards for online services, downloadable games, and tons and tons of swag. Oh God, the swag. Epic, epic swag.

The People Speak: If you weren't here, reading what we write, enjoying the gaming industry with us, we'd just be crazy people typing into these weird machines. I mean… what the hell are these things anyway? What kind of fairy dust powers all these internet-tubes? Join us in our insanity by commenting, doing it well, and getting recognized. Every week, we highlight the best comments thanks to your nominations and your input. Four times a year we'll pick names out of a hat and reward that lucky commenter with something awesome from our personal stash.

GR Release Round-Up: Every week brings new games to store shelves and takes money right of your wallet. Goddamit! Give me that money back! Wait, it's too late, you've already opened that game! The least you can do is prepare yourself. When you're money starts flying out of your pockets, know which games to grab in the frenzy. The GR Release Round-Up injects some gameplay directly into your eye balls so you know what to expect each week.

Revolutionary Rant: There's a lot to get angry about in the gaming world. What?! He said what?! Oh no he didn't! See? That's an example! Maybe you're pissed about DLC on the disc, pre-order bonuses at 10 different retailers, or the horrors of online gaming… my blood is boiling just thinking about this stuff. The Revolutionary Rant is a semi-regular feature that allows you to… NO! The Revolutionary Rant allows US to let out some steam!

GameRevolution Radio: The triumphant return of our weekly radio show sees Nick Tan, Anthony Severino, and Daniel Bischoff tackle the hard issue facing the gaming industry. Hahahahaha… no, we'll shoot the shit, talk about the week's news, and answer your questions in the GR Mailbag. Also, you might find yourself on the show every once in a while with our semi-regular community guest host!

Tell GameRevolution: Our latest feature is all about what's on your mind! The hottest topic of any given day is yours to chat about. Tell GameRevolution ties back with The People Speak by giving you even more opportunities to gain entries in our quarterly TPS drawing. We'll probably be wondering what you're playing each weekend as well.

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