Top 10 “David Bowie Is in Every Video Game” Lookalikes

David Bowie has influenced video games more than he might possible know. Of course, he lent his actual face to Quantic Dream's Omikron: The Nomad Soul, but more than a few video game characters share an odd resemblance to the British musical legend.

Given all of Bowie's fabulously ostentatious costumes and gender-bending looks throughout his career, and all of the loud and bombastic outfits that some Japanese video game characters wear, you're bound to find a match somewhere. It's like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, except it's just One Degree and David Bowie is just a boss that way.

Now, the whole "David Bowie is in Every Video Game" meme isn't exactly new. That said, some of the side-by-side lookalike pictures aren't exactly the best comparisons, but here are some of the best of the best, many of which I must credit from

R.I.P. David Bowie (1947-2016)

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