God of War 1.11 Update

What Are You Playing? God of War, Rocket League, and More

God of War released last week, which means that the GameRevolution team hasn’t really been playing much else. We’ve also been streaming the game on Twitch, too, so it’s safe to say that GR has become very God of War-centric over the past week. With that being said, here’s the highly predictable rundown of what our staff members have been playing this week — as usual, let us know what you have been playing in the comments section below!

Paul Tamburro: God of War is eating up my time, and though it received rave reviews, I’m still surprised by how much I’ve been enjoying it. However, I have currently reached a side-quest that I can’t beat, to the point where my girlfriend had to hold an intervention last night after I’d spend a good 30 minutes shouting at my TV. Maybe I’ll make some progress tomorrow…

Mack Ashworth: I’ve finished the God of War campaign, so now I’ll be cleaning up the last bunch of side missions. I also need to dive back into Far Cry 5 to see what awesome new maps the community has made.

Bradley Russell: I haven’t had too much time for gaming this week so I’ve had to rely on the comfort blanket of Rocket League for my fix here and there. Because there’s nothing more cathartic than spamming ‘What a save!’ in the in-game chat every time your opponent concedes a goal. Yes, I’m one of those players.

Alleef Ashaari: Paused Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom when God of War was released. Now I’m taking my time with Kratos and Atreus, relishing every minute and exploring every hidden area in the world crafted by the devs at Santa Monica Studio. It’s shaping up to be one of the best PS4 exclusives I’ve ever played to date.

Aimee Hart: Like Bradley, I’ve not had much time for gaming this week. In fact, all I’ve managed is to play a measly hour of Overwatch in the hope I’ll get the skins I want. So far? No such luck.

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