What Are You Playing? Vampyr, Escape From Tarkov, and More

Vampyr, Escape from Tarkov, and Onrush were the two biggest releases in the past few days, and the folks at GR Tower have been playing both this week. As is usually the case, we’ve also sprinkled in some older games from our back catalog along with a few recurring favorites. Let us know what you’ve been playing this week in the comments section below?

GR Staff, What Are You Playing?

Paul Tamburro, Executive Editor: I’ve been playing Onrush this week. I gave it an “eh” in my review, after being pretty disappointed as a big fan of MotorStorm Apocalypse, its development team’s previous game. It can be a lot of fun and has a unique premise but for a game about the raw thrill of slamming cars into walls, it didn’t hook me in as much I thought it would.

Mack Ashworth, Staff Writer: Still making my way through Detroit Become Human, and still loving it. The rare British sunshine has forced me outside more than I’d like!

Bradley Russell, Guides Writer: I’m back on the never-ending misery train that is Football Manager 2018. It’s been hard to properly get into this year (I say, properly, I’ve still sunk a few hundred hours into it) and I’m currently (failing at) managing Cardiff via Stoke. For those not in the know: that’s like moving from Chernobyl 1986 to… Chernobyl 2018. Slightly better, but still utterly inhabitable. And it’s ruining my life. Help me rid myself of this ridiculous addiction.

Ginny Woo, Features Writer: I’m persisting in my largely futile endeavor of getting rare mounts in FFXIV. During moments of clarity, I’m enjoying Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi and the B-grade Interview with a Vampire-esque lushness of Vampyr.

Michael Leri, Staff Writer: After liberating Medici in Just Cause 3, I finally officially started Prey. I feel like I’ve lost my faith in furniture now because you never know when a god damn chair will turn into a hellspawn spider creature. COME ON CHAIR I TRUSTED YOU.

Cody Perez, Guides Writer: I’m not playing a whole lot right now as we head into E3. I’ve messed around in Skyrim on Switch some more and been trying to make some more gil in FFXIV, but that’s it for me.

Aimee Hart, News Writer: Because I hate myself (and because I’m planning to write a feature on it) I’m currently playing Agony. It’s terrible. It’s garbage. Don’t play it unless you hate yourself. Or I don’t know unless you like it? I’m not your mother, do what you want.

Alleef Ashaari, News Writer: I bought The Order 1886 for cheap earlier this week and finished it in two days. It’s too short and the gameplay’s too derivative. I do find the lore interesting enough to warrant a sequel, however unlikely that is.

Martin Patiño, News Writer: I’ve been juggling Escape from Tarkov as well as Divinity: Original Sin 2 the past few weeks. I need to finish the latter soon though so I can start Pillars of Eternity 2.

GR Readers, What Are You Playing?

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