Medal of Honor: Airborne, Medal of Honor: Airborne Preview

[image1]Oh lucky you.  You’ve pulled Airborne duty.

This isn’t for everyone, but it is perfect for you flyboy.  You’re the thrill-seeker, the adrenaline junkie who needs something new for your next fix.  Not content to climb trees as a child, you climbed water towers, and then jumped off them.  You went out with that crazy girl who likes to cut herself just ‘cause you confuse psycho with sexy.  You eat extreme nachos. Your underwear is held up by carabiners.

At first Medal of Honor: Airborne might look like just another WWII shooter, but it is anything but. At a particularly revealing and plain-spoken press conference, EA explained that most shooters are basically big corridors.  You know the formula, you begin at one end of a long hallway, shoot your way to the end and start over again with a new hallway.  MoH: Airborne changes that structure, and in doing so makes fresh what we all thought was deader than techno: the WWII shooter.

To wit, the maps are all simply giant sandboxes full of Nazis.  By beginning each level jumping out of a plane, you can choose to land wherever you like.  On top of a building, in a trench, on top of a mortar emplacement. . . its your choice.  And thus each time through a level is totally unique. Just like you.

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