Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix Preview

I give this Keyblade to you, Master of Unlocking.

Oh, how I was hoping to be able to see (or fingers-crossed, possibly play) the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III at this year’s E3, but alas, t’was not to be. So I had to make do with enjoying a trailer for the re-releases within Kingdom Hearts 2.5, which will work to satiate my disappointment… at least for a little while. I’m not made of stone, no matter what anybody might try to say.

KH 2.5 covers three titles in the Kingdom Hearts universe: KH2, the second full game in the series; Birth By Sleep Final Mix, a fully HD version of the PSP title of the same name; and Re:coded, released in Japan as an episodic mobile game first, then as a single game for the DS in the US. All of them are looking super-duper pretty—surprising enough, considering KH2 was released two generations ago, and Re:coded was a mobile game—and play exactly as you might remember, and if you haven’t played them before, it’s an easy way into catching up with the series’ plot and play style, or just to jump in the middle of if you’re into that sort of thing.

So for the super-new players, let me explain just a little of what you should expect: a lot of intense, multi-baddie fighting, shifting between your massive Keyblade (a sword, but a key, and everybody’s collecting the whole set!) with Disney characters sprinkled throughout a batch of worlds unique to their film and setting. There is so much character (and so many characters) that it can be a bit unwieldy to try and describe them all within this short space, so I’m not even going to try.

But I will say that the game is currently scheduled to release December 2nd, 2014, which means we will all have to salivate over the trailer until then, and if you haven’t played the game yourself you have plenty of time to find and play a copy of KH 1.5.

But for the rest of us, there’s a little teaser at the end of the trailer to enjoy. Who are these “lost masters”, anyway…?

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