Kingpin: Life of Crime Review

What the fuck are you looking at?

What’s my fucking problem? Kingpin, that’s my fucking problem. After playing

that fucking game for fucking hours, I can’t fucking stop saying fucking. It was

fucking shocking at first, now it’s just fucking annoying. What would the fucking

Queen say?

Unlike many political pundits, I believe that cuss words have their proper

place in language. Sometimes, you can say more with a well-placed four-letter

word than you can any other way. Of course, the reverse is also true. When overused,

profanity makes the speaker sound uneducated at the very least, and probably

just plain stupid (see first paragraph). Quickly, it just gets annoying.

Bashin' heads and takin' names.

Case in point, Kingpin: Life of Crime. The idea of an adult game

of gang warfare was a good one. Using a refined version of the Quake

engine, Kingpin attempts to give players a more realistic feel

than most other 3D shooters (no aliens, for example). With some added abilities

that no other first person shooter has and no limits on the bad language, Kingpin

had a chance of capturing a large adult audience. Unfortunately, somewhere along

the way the designers got lost, and what we end up with is an average first

person shooter with ridiculous amounts of gratuitous cussing that only a 13

year-old would find entertaining.

First, we’ll start with the good. With system requirements as high as Kingpin‘s,

it’s not surprising that the game looks good. The detail on the different humans

in the game is done really well. The gore level is fairly high, allowing you

to destroy your opponents’ limbs and even execute them, gangland style. It’s

amazing what designers have been able to do with the Quake II engine

in both this game and Half-Life.

Don’t think this is simply Quake II in a different setting, however.

Kingpin has a couple of added bonuses that separates it from the rest

of the pack. For one, you can talk with the other characters in the game. You

can respond with an affirmative or a negative. Though fairly simple, it does

give it a little more realistic feel. Also, you can get others to follow you,

as seen in Half-Life, but now you can also give them orders. Though the

AI of the NPC’s is fairly stupid, this is a neat little ability I hope to see

in more games in the future. You can also search your victim’s bodies for much

needed cash, that you then use at the pawn-o-matic to buy new weapons. Nice.

The sound is, as you might have guessed, a mixed bag. The music fits perfectly

with the atmosphere. Of course, you might expect that if you knew that Cypress

Hill supplied all the music from their CD, Cypress Hill IV. Even if you

don’t like their music, you have to admit that the designers picked the right


A little fire, scarecrow? The

speech, on the other hand, is a big problem. While cussing for realism’s sake

is one thing, cussing repeatedly (and repeatedly and repeatedly) for shock value

is another. Every other word out of the character’s mouths is “fuck” or “shit.”

There’s enough bad language in this game to make a sailor blush. After the initial

shock value wears off, the constant stream of profanity just gets annoying.

What’s the designer’s answer to this? Well, they include an alternate version of the game that tones down both the violence and the language . . . As if anyone would actually install that version. They do put a well-reasoned essay at the beginning of the installation that describes the designer’s point-of-view and begs parents to take a more active role in their child’s interests.

Even though I agree with what Interplay had to say, and agree that this type

of game shouldn’t be legislated against, it’s also quite obvious that the profuse

cussing in Kingpin was aimed at a younger audience then they’re claiming.

Unfortunately, the political fallout from this game may make other, better,

rated ‘R’ games harder to make in the future.

On top of that, the gameplay just isn’t all there. After a slew of well-designed, fun first person shooters, Kingpin just doesn’t match up. For one thing, it’s way too hard. Though the AI for the enemies is fairly basic, their aim is impeccable. They always seem to hit you, no matter where you’re hiding. This means that you have to constantly replay certain sections of the game till you’re sure you know where every single enemy is and can eliminate them quickly. Fun for some, tedious for most.

All in all, Kingpin is best described as a failed attempt at a good

idea. With some neat new additions and great graphics, some gamers will definitely

have fun with this title. The sheer difficulty and the idiotic constant swearing,

however, will discourage most people. Rudeness does not an adult game make.

If you’re looking for an adult game, try a much better Interplay game like Fallout

and leave Kingpin for the 13 year-olds it was designed for.

  • Good Graphics.
  • Neat New Abilites.
  • Cypress Hill.
  • Overused cuss words.
  • Way too hard.
  • Way too gratuitous.


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