Fortnite Has More Monthly Active Users Than GTA Online

Fortnite Has More Monthly Active Users Than GTA Online

We’ve been quickly getting the idea that Fortnite is the hottest thing around in the gaming community, but even we’ve got to admit we’re still somewhat shocked that Fortnite has more monthly active users than GTA Online, though, perhaps we shouldn’t be.

Ever since it’s been released, Fortnite has dominated the media, changing people’s lives in extraordinary ways. Fortnite fever is everywhere, and it doesn’t look to be stopping anytime soon. It is now on mobile, allowing players to play on the go whenever they happen to want to join in on the Battle Royale fun. Even children have been given a warning not to play it at school, that’s just how popular Epic’s Battle Royale game is.

We would have argued that maybe it truly is just everyone being lulled in by the hype around the game, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. According to SuperData’s February report, the company revealed that Fortnite now has more monthly active users than GTA Online. It’s important to remember that Fortnite is a free-to-play game and Take Two’s GTA Online isn’t, but that hadn’t seemed to stop Epic from raking in a lot of money off the game’s success. In fact, as stated in the report, “Fortnite earned more additional content revenue on console than any game other than Call of Duty: WWII.” Considering how well known the Grand Theft Auto series is and how new Fortnite is, Epic should be more than pleased with its game’s achievement.

Though Fortnite didn’t just beat Grand Theft Auto, it also surpassed widely-acclaimed games such as Monster Hunter World, Destiny 2, FIFA 18 and many more. The game isn’t doing too shabby on PC either, surpassing World of Warcraft and Counter-Strike with ease. We still aren’t sure if Fortnite’s popularity will last forever, but with the way it is making money right now, it makes us feel somewhat reassured that we’ll still be seeing more of Fortnite for a long time to come.

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