"Geralt who?"
Based on the novel series by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher follows Geralt of Rivia, an amnesiac witcher (problem solver and slayer of monsters) whose home, the Kaer Morhen citadel, is besieged by an organization called the Salamandra, who steal their valuable potions and get away. Throughout the game, Geralt must resolve people’s moral dilemmas, connect the dots of his past and track down the Salamandra.
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These are more fun to watch.
Astera demands more crossovers.
Ready to see Geralt on the small screen?
A Wild Hunt for more answers would be a wild goose chase.
Roll the dice to slay a griffin this August.
Bathtub Geralt is now a thing and he is as adorable as ever.
If it ain't broke, don't witch it.
A new video series details the history of The Witcher and shows a fascinating alpha demo from 2002.
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