Call of Duty WW2

Call of Duty WW2 Mementos Guide: All Collectible Locations in the Campaign Missions 7-11

Even with all of the changes and return-t0-the-roots nature of Call of Duty WW2, somethings will never change like trying to find all of the collectibles in the singleplayer campaign. The roughly six hours-long story is comprised of 11 total missions spread across the entirety of World War II.

Within every mission, there’s are three glowing collectible “mementos” to find that vary from a knife to a canteen. Not only are these memento collectibles important to completionists, but they will be important to achievement and trophy hunters as well. We’ve already covered the first half of the campaign, which you can find here.

The mementos in Call of Duty WW2 are tied directly into the achievement/trophy “Pieces of History” that tasks you with finding all 33 of them that spread across the 11 missions of the campaign. Here are the locations of all memento collectibles in Call of Duty WW2’s second half of the campaign.

Also: Call of Duty WW2 Mementos Guide: All Collectible Locations in the Campaign Missions 1-6

Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations: Death Factory

Flare Gun

Call of Duty WW2

Once you’ve completely cleared the German camp using the half-track, exit it and go towards the large truck in the middle. It is lying on some crates next to the truck.

Food Container

Call of Duty WW2

After you kill the dog that attacks you from the wreckage, go left to the crashed plane. It is in the unopened parachute in the cockpit.


Call of Duty WW2

After you defeat the sniper, leave his bunker and find the walkway just above the stairs. Jump onto it – you may need to run to do so – and you will find the rations sitting on a chair up there.

Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations: Hill 493


Call of Duty WW2

During the section where you order Private Parker, you can grab this once he has completed going up the hill. It is located about halfway up the hill on the leg of a dead soldier sitting up against a tree stump.


Call of Duty WW2

This memento can be found when Turner commands you to use the thermite charge to blow up the cannon. It is on the right side of the artillery gun laying on a shelf.


Call of Duty WW2

Before you destroy the other artillery gun, go to the back corner of this area near the blown up bunker. Next to it is a bunker that’s relatively intact. The billfold is lying on the opening of the bunker as seen above.

Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations: Battle of the Bulge


Call of Duty WW2

At the beginning of this mission, you need to head over to Pierson. Before you do that, there is a large rocky outcropping nearby. The camera is sitting on one of the snowy rocks there.


Call of Duty WW2

Right before you drop off the ammo, you will find a soldier on the edge of the area that is using binoculars. There is a box to the right of him and you will find this memento inside the box.


Call of Duty WW2

Now that you’ve dropped off the ammunition, find the bunker that interestingly enough has a Christmas tree inside. There is a glowing comic lying on the ground just to the right of it.

Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations: Ambush


Call of Duty WW2

When you are supposed to enter the grate in the hangar, go to the second hangar instead. The magazine is just behind a soldier cleaning his gun. It is on top of some tarp-covered crates next to a lantern.


Call of Duty WW2

On the way to attacking the tower, you will enter some barracks. On the right side of the barracks, it is lying to a table next to the door.


Call of Duty WW2

You can find this medal when you arrive at the tower. It is atop some crates in the corner of the base of the tower.

Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations: The Rhine


Call of Duty WW2

This memento is located on the top floor of the tower and you can grab it after the Germans surrender. It is near crates on the floor. Grab it before you proceed.


Call of Duty WW2

This memento is in the second tower on the first floor. It is near the sniper in his room on the first floor. It is lying on the table there.


Call of Duty WW2

Grab this final memento before you rally with Pierson. It is atop some crates on the top floor of the second tower. Grab it before you proceed.

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