How to unlock Gibraltar’s Heirloom in Apex Legends

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Ahead of its official reveal, the Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom has been leaked via a datamine. It looks as though the Gibraltar Heirloom is a throwing axe/tomahawk of some kind. Gibraltar is the latest Legend to receive an unlockable Heirloom, it appears. Here’s the lowdown on how to unlock Gibraltar’s Heirloom in Apex Legends.

How to unlock the Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom

Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom

While it is yet to be officially confirmed, the leaked Gibraltar Heirloom in Apex Legends should be unlocked just like the other available Heirlooms in the game. Once unlocked, players will be able to equip and use Gibraltar’s throwing axe Heirloom in matches.

Based on previous Heirlooms, here is how to unlock Gibraltar’s Heirloom in Apex Legends:

  • Earn Heirloom Shards through purchasing and unlocking Apex Packs
  • Purchase or complete an item set during an upcoming event

As of writing, both of the above techniques are how players unlocked Heirlooms in Apex Legends up to this point. This includes both Bangalore’s Heirloom and Caustic’s Heirloom. The system works and the system hasn’t changed.

This doesn’t mean that Respawn Entertainment won’t shake things up, though. The ongoing Season 7 Quest (following the recent 1.51 update), for example, could work its way into unlocking items such as Heirlooms. Time will tell, of course, but for the time being, it seems that unlocking Gibraltar’s Heirloom will be as simple as mentioned above.

What is Gibraltar’s Heirloom in Apex Legends?

Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom

The Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom is a throwing-axe or tomahawk weapon based on its looks. Given the melee nature of Heirlooms in the past, though, it’s unlikely that players will be able to throw Gibraltar’s Heirloom.

Thanks to reliable Apex Legends dataminer, Biast12, the look of the Heirloom for Gibraltar is know. See the image above (courtesy of Biast12) for reference.

Hopefully, the Apex Legends Gibraltar Heirloom is available to unlock in the game sooner rather than later.

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