Apex Legends Mirage Edition worth it

Is Apex Legends Mirage Edition worth it?

Apex Legends is a free-to-play game, though fans of certain characters can purchase bundles containing exclusive cosmetics and more. When it comes to optional expenditure, most people have one question: Is it worth it? So, here’s the need-to-know on the Apex Legends Mirage Edition price and contents.

Is Apex Legends Mirage Edition a good deal?

Apex Legends Mirage Edition worth it

Apex Legends Mirage Edition is worth it for fans of the character that will make use of the exclusive in-game cosmetics. The Apex Legends Mirage Edition bundle costs $19.99 and includes approximately $50+ worth of content.

Apex Legends Mirage Edition contents

  • Legendary Mirage character skin — The Show Stopper
  • Legendary Volt weapon skin — The Mantlepiece
  • Epic weapon charm — Boots n’ All
  • Legendary badge — Holo Star
  • 1,000 Apex Coins
  • Apex Legends game

Apex data miner Shrugtal broke the news of a new bundle starring everybody’s favorite trickster a couple of weeks ago. Shrugtal notes that the Apex Legends Mirage Edition release date is May 18, which means the bundle should drop anytime now.

Of course, the main attraction is Mirage’s exclusive “The Show Stopper” Legendary skin. This new character outfit (pictured) decks Mirage out in a neon cowboy getup, complete with a futuristic visor. Equipping the complementary “Mantlepiece” weapon skin and “Boots n’ All” charm helps to complete the ensemble, making Mirage Edition owners stand out from the crowd.

Whether or not Apex Legends Mirage Edition is worth it really depends on how much players care for these kinds of in-game cosmetics. Nothing within the bundle offers any kind of gameplay advantage, though the package does represent a saving compared to getting items of the same rarity separately.

Prefer playing Gibraltar? In that case, check out Apex Legends Gibraltar Edition.

It’s a little-known fact that Apex Legends Mobile is already playable. The application is available on both iOS and Android, with leaks potentially revealing some new game modes.

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