new world invincibility glitch how to do

New World: How to do the invincibility glitch and God Mode bug

The New World invincibility glitch is the latest game-breaking bug to hit Amazon’s MMO, with it allowing players to stand around idle capturing control points and taking damage without dying. So how do you do the invincibility glitch in New World and activate God Mode? Here’s what you need to know about this unfortunate bug.

How to do the New World invincibility glitch

new world invincibility glitch

The New World invincibility glitch is easy to pull off. Follow these steps in order to become invincible and activate the game’s unofficial God Mode:

  1. Play in windowed mode
  2. Alt + Tab out of the New World app and click and hold the window
  3. When the game freezes, you have become invincible

This bug has been replicated in other MMOs to also achieve an invincible state, with New World still recognizing that you’re online in-game, though not allowing other players and enemies to deal damage to you. Of course, you can’t actually move around in this state, so the invincibility glitch is only good for situations in which standing still is beneficial. As such, players have been using it to capture control points, ensuring that they don’t need to worry about the damage inflicted on them in order to progress.

Of course, utilizing such exploits isn’t exactly fair to other players, so it’s likely that Amazon Game Studios will have this issue patched out sooner rather than later. Also, even if it does allow players to gain the advantage in certain areas, it’s not exactly a fun way of experiencing New World compared to actually playing the game. Hopefully, the glitch will be gone and players will go back to not just standing idle and waiting to win.

In other New World news, a recent datamine revealed the entire map for the game, showing the areas that have yet to be included. You can also read the latest patch notes for the MMO’s new update.

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