Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Dark Type Weakness Strengths

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Dark Type Weaknesses and Strengths

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the Dark Type weaknesses are:

  • Bug
  • Fairy
  • Fighting

Dark Type is strong against:

  • Ghost
  • Psychic

However, all the above assumes you’re dealing with a single-type pokemon. Given how many dual types there are in Scarlet and Violet, things can start getting a bit complicated.

What are Dark Types weak against in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

As stated above, Dark Type Pokemon are weak against Bug, Fairy, and Fighting moves. However, the majority of Dark Type Pokemon are dual types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which you have to take into account when calculating how much damage a move will do.

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For example, Dark/Poison Dual Types like Stunky and Skuntank only take 2x damage from Ground Type moves, and Dark/Ghost Types like Sableye and Spiritomb are only weak to Fairy Type moves. On the other hand, Dark/Ground Types, like Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, and Ting-Lu, take 2x damage from Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ice, and Water.

I don’t even try to memorize the matchups or use a chart when dealing with dual types. Instead, I use a type calculator and take all the guessing out of it.

What are Dark Types Strong Against?

A pure Dark Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet takes half damage from Ghost and Dark and is immune to Psychic. Again though, Dual Typing matters here.

When it comes to offense, things are a lot more clean-cut. Dark Type moves are:

Super Effective against:

  • Ghost
  • Psychic

Not Very Effective against:

  • Dark
  • Fairy
  • Fighting

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Dark Type FAQ

Q: What are the weaknesses for Dark Type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

A: In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Dark Type Pokemon are primarily weak against Bug, Fairy, and Fighting moves. However, you should be mindful of dual types, which can alter these weaknesses. For instance, Dark/Poison Dual Types like Stunky and Skuntank have different vulnerabilities compared to a pure Dark Type.

Q: How do dual types affect Dark Type Pokemon strengths and weaknesses?

A: Dual typing can complicate the strengths and weaknesses for Dark Type Pokemon. For example, while pure Dark Types are weak to Bug, Fairy, and Fighting, Dark/Ghost Types like Sableye and Spiritomb are solely weak to Fairy. Similarly, Dark/Ground Types have vulnerabilities to moves like Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ice, and Water. Using a type calculator can help navigate these intricacies without memorizing or resorting to charts.

Q: Against which Pokemon types are Dark Type moves most and least effective?

A: In terms of offense, Dark Type moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are super effective against Ghost and Psychic. However, they’re not very effective when used against Dark, Fairy, and Fighting types. But, as always, consider dual typings as they can change the dynamics of these matchups.

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