Bleak Faith Forsaken PS5 release date

Bleak Faith: Forsaken PS5, PS4, and Xbox Release Date: When Is It Coming to Consoles?

Those excited to play Black Faith: Forsaken on consoles will be wondering when exactly is the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One release date. With PC players getting their hands on the new release soon enough, surely it’s only a matter of time before it comes to consoles? Here are the latest details on the Black Faith: Forsake PS5, PS4, and Xbox release date.

When is the Bleak Faith: Forsaken PS5 release date?

The Bleak Faith: Forsaken PS5 release date is expected to be between June-September 2023.

On the game’s Kickstarter page, developer Archangel Studios explains that “a few months after a PC release could possibly be the [console version release date].” With the game launching on PC in March, it’s reasonable to speculate that the console version would launch from June onwards.

When is the Bleak Faith: Forsaken Xbox Series X|S release date?

The Bleak Faith: Forsaken Xbox Series X|S release date is also expected to be between June-September 2023.

With the developer suggesting that the console version will take “a few months” following the PC launch, speculating an Xbox launch date of June onwards seems fair.

When is the Bleak Faith: Forsaken PS4 and Xbox One release date?

The Bleak Faith: Forsaken PS4 and Xbox release date is estimated to be between June-September 2023.

The Bleak Faith: Forsaken is coming to both PS4 and Xbox One, meaning last-gen console owners won’t be missing out. In fact, it’s the last-gen versions that are specifically mentioned on the Kickstarter page.

Should the developer change its target for the console release dates, this post will be updated.

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