Baldurs Gate 3 How to Become an Oathbreaker retake oath Paladin

Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Become an Oathbreaker and How to Retake Your Oath

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Paladins that break their oaths can unlock a secret subclass called the Oathbreaker. These are effectively dark paladins who are fueled by darkness in the pursuit of power and ambition. However, just breaking an oath won’t make you an Oathbreaker, and becoming an Oathbreaker won’t prevent you from returning to your previous subclass.

How to break an oath in Baldur’s Gate 3

There are three subclasses of Paladin in Baldur’s Gate 3, and you break each of their oaths in a different way:

Oath of the Ancients

This oath is described as: “You fight on the side of light in the cosmic struggle against darkness to preserve the sanctity of life and the beauty of nature.”

So, performing acts that go against the cycle of life (necromancy), committing evil against nature or the innocent, or aligning yourself with those who follow darkness will break your oath.

For example:

  • Killing the Owlbear mother and cub in their nest.
  • Freeing Sazza the goblin in Emerald Grove.
  • Killing Pandima in Emerald Grove.
  • Assisting Mayrina when she tries to revive her husband.

Oath of Devotion

This oath pledges: “Following the ideal of the knight in shining armor, you act with honor and virtue to protect the weak and pursue the greater good.”

This subclass of Paladin embodies chivalry. You are sworn to protect the weak, keep your word, and remain loyal in the face of adversity. Lying or betraying those you have pledged will break this oath, as will allowing others to harm the weak or doing so yourself.

For example:

  • Allowing Arka to kill Sazza in Emerald Grove.
  • Betraying the goblins in the Blighted Village or Shattered Sanctum after convincing them not to fight.
  • Torturing Liam in the Shattered Sanctum.
  • Betraying The Tieflings when rescuing Lae’zel.

Oath of Vengeance

This oath states: “You have set aside even your own purity to right wrongs and deliver justice to those who have committed the most grievous sins.”

The Oath of Vengeance is the hardest one to get a read on as it allows a Paladin to ignore lesser evils if doing so will enable them to pursue a greater one. Justice is the key tenet here, and committing an act that leads to someone escaping judgment can break this oath.

For example:

  • Freeing Sazza from jail in Emerald Grove.
More Baldur's Gate 3

How to become an Oathbreaker in Baldur’s Gate 3

Breaking your oath doesn’t automatically make you an Oathbreaker in Baldur’s Gate. Instead, when your oath is broken, you’ll be contacted by the Oathbreaker Knight, who will tell you to meet with them at the end of the day. If you visit your camp, you’ll find them. Speak with the knight, and he’ll ask you to confirm whether you want to take on the mantle of Oathbreaker.

How to retake an oath and return to your old class

Fortunately, if you break your oath and become an Oathbreaker in Baldur’s Gate 3, you can redeem yourself. If you speak to the Oathbreaker Knight, he’ll give you the option of restoring your oath for 2,000 gold. Fork over the cash, and it’s as easy as that. You’ll be instantly transformed into your original subclass. You’ll even be allowed to choose any level perks you may have missed while you were an Oathbreaker.

We haven’t tested whether this works multiple times in the same playthrough. It’s possible you could transform into an Oathbreaker and back as many times as you want as long as you have the money. However, 2,000 gold is a lot, and we recommend getting all that oathbreaking out of your system the first time and hanging onto your cash.

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