iPhone 15 Pro Pro Max too hot overheating cool down message
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IPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max Too Hot Cool Down Message: Why Is It Overheating?

Some users are finding that their iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max phones are too hot to the point where they’re displaying messages stating it needs to cool down. Obviously, this can be scary and make you wonder about how reliable the phone is, but there might not be much to worry about. We’ll take a look at whether iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max phones are overheating or if this is a normal part of their setup process.

Why is my iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max so hot?

Odds are, if you just purchased it, your iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max being hot isn’t because it’s overheating. Even if you get a message saying the phone needs to cool down, it’s nothing to worry about. Just put your phone down and wait a few hours to use it again.

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Most people who experience their iPhone 15 Pros and Pro Maxes being hot are users who just bought the phone and have restored a backup from an older device. If this is the case, the phone will get hot because it’s downloading the numerous apps and data and indexing it. This process can take up to a few days to complete. So, if your phone is hot during that time (or has bad battery life), this is likely the reason.

However, if your phone continues to display messages telling you it needs to cool down after the first week or so and continues to heat up, you should take it to an Apple Store for diagnosis. Additionally, if your phone ever gets so hot that it’s uncomfortable to touch, stop using it immediately. Under regular operation, your phone shouldn’t become hot enough to burn you under any circumstance. If it does so, turn it off (if possible) and contact Apple support.

iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max too hot FAQ

Q: Why is my newly purchased iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max getting hot and displaying messages that it needs to cool down?

and displaying messages that it needs to cool down?

A: If your iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max is newly purchased and is displaying such messages, it’s likely due to the phone downloading and indexing numerous apps and data after restoring a backup from an older device. This is a normal part of the setup process and can take up to a few days to complete, so it’s usually nothing to worry about. Simply put your phone down and wait a few hours before using it again.

Q: What should I do if my iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max continues to overheat after the first week of use?

A: If your phone continues to display messages about needing to cool down after the first week or so and remains hot, it is advisable to take it to an Apple Store for diagnosis. This is not normal behavior and may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

Q: What steps should I take if my iPhone becomes uncomfortably hot to touch?

A: If your iPhone ever gets so hot that it’s uncomfortable to touch, stop using it immediately and turn it off if possible. Under regular operation, it shouldn’t become hot enough to burn you. In such cases, you should contact Apple support for further assistance.

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