Ape Escape Cheats: Cheat Codes For PS4 & How to Enter Them

Ape Escape Cheats: Cheat Codes For PS4 & How to Enter Them

Ape Escape PS4 cheats will let players use cheat code combinations and loopholes in the game to increase the capacity of bullets and not lose a life. Here’s an Ape Escape cheats list and how to enter and activate cheat codes in the game.

Ape Escape cheats list for PlayStation 4

Here’s every Ape Escape cheat code for PS4:

  • Hold L1+R1: During the Mini-Ski Game, this can to used to get a rear view mirror.
  • Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, L2, R1, R2: Spike performs an idle animation.
  • Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, R2, R1, L2: Increase guided bullet capacity to 99
  • R2, Down, L2, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left: Increase explosive bullet capacity to 99
  • R2, Up, L2, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, L2, R2: Get 99 lives
  • Hold L1 + press Down, Down, Triangle: Debug Mode

How to enter and activate Ape Escape cheats

To enter and activate Ape Escape cheat codes, you must first pause the game and then enter the cheat code.

To activate the cheats, follow these steps:

  1. During gameplay, press the “Options” button to pause the game.
  2. In the pause menu, press the buttons in the right order according to the desired cheat code.
  3. Return to the game, and the cheat code will be activated.

Ape Escape cheats explained

Ape Escape cheats provide basic cheats to make the game a bit easier for a player who is struggling to get through levels. To never lose a life in the game, the player can use a loophole. If the player pauses the game just before the character falls to their death, they can exit the game and start it again, never to lose a life.

The game’s description is as follows:

“Hunt down hundreds of cheeky chimps in the original Ape Escape adventure and collect loads of cool gadgets and tools, including a slingshot, monkey-net, sky-flying propeller, radio-controlled car, and monkey radar. Enjoy over 20 levels of madcap mayhem plus bonus mini-games, including ski racing and Monkey Boxing.”

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