RUMOR: Rayman Legends Not Wii U Exclusive

If you paid just a teensy bit of attention to the Nintendo and Ubisoft press conferences from E3, you can't help but come away from them KNOWING that Rayman Legends is a Wii U exclusive. After playing it on the showroom floor, I would never think otherwise, considering that they only way you can control Murphy is with the Wii U GamePad. In fact, so many of the puzzles were reliant on Murphy it made me wonder how you could play the game by yourself at all. 

However, it looks like this may not be the case at all. Ubisoft senior game manager Michael Micholic didn't confirm or deny that Rayman's next adventure is strictly a Wii U exclusive in an interview with Joystiq. "Well, we're not really saying it's a Wii U exclusive, although right now all we're showing is the Wii U [version]."

Not really saying it's a Wii U exclusive, eh? My, my how the plot thickens. Could it also go to the PS3 and use the Vita for the Murphy controls? Or could it use Microsoft's Smart Glass tech with the Xbox 360?

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