Ubisoft Releases New In-Engine Demo for Beyond Good and Evil 2

Beyond Good and Evil 2 was considered one of the highlights of E3 2017, but it was also noted that the only thing showed at the expo was a cinematic trailer. Ubisoft indirectly responded to that criticism today by releasing guided footage of Beyond Good and Evil 2, rendered in-engine.

The demonstration, as seen below, is incredibly bare-bones, and creative director Michel Ancel indicated in the video that all pieces you see are “work-in-progress assets,” as they are obviously not the same level of quality you saw in the cinematic trailer.

If you were not sold on Beyond Good and Evil 2 by the cinematic trailer at E3, though, this likely won’t do the trick either. Essentially, this demonstration shows that the game is in development and that basic actions such as moving and flying around in space work. As for how individual gameplay interactions actually play out in game, we’re left wanting.

That being said, the fact that Ancel said Beyond Good and Evil 2 was at “day zero” of development, this is a pretty impressive rate of progress. Still, though, it’s easy to see why Beyond Good and Evil 2 doesn’t have a targeted release date.

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