Fans Angry Over Slower Zone of the Enders HD Collection

Zone of the Enders is a beloved mech franchise on the PS2, with plenty of fans rallying around Konami's newly released HD Collection of both the original title and The 2nd Runner sequel. Now that it's finally been released, though, all we can hear is their dissatisfaction.

Apparently, both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are slower than the original titles, with comparison videos on a Japanese blog showing how all of the energy attacks feel deflated.

On top of that, not only does the 360 version run at a higher framerate than the PS3 version, but neither of them match the 60fps as hawked on the UK website. Instead, it runs regularly at half that speed at 30-40 fps.

If you were planning on getting the HD Collection, does this change your mind?


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