A free Red Dead Online horse is available to PS4 early access players.

Free Red Dead Online Horse Available for PS4 Early Access Players

A free Red Dead Online horse is available to PS4 players. An outfit and a specially engraved revolver are also available as early access content. The Red Dead Redemption 2 multiplayer launched on both consoles last week, but the free rewards are only on PS4.

The rewards were announced on Friday, before the first weekend of Red Dead Online. The early access content includes the Arabian horse, a “High Roller” double-action revolver, and a “Grizzlies Outlaw” outfit. The horse is the biggest boon to players, as the starting horse is mediocre at best. The free Red Dead Online horse also comes with a stamina and health-boosting saddle. Players unlock the rewards after finishing the game’s tutorial. These rewards are exclusive to the PS4, as part of Sony and Rockstar’s exclusive content partnership.

Players can acquire the “red chestnut” Arabian horse at any Stable in-game. The content also includes an “Alligator Skin Ranch Cutter” saddle available in a stable’s Tack and Services menu. The horse is a marked upgrade over your starting horse, far outpacing it in stamina and health. Arabian horses are some of the best and rarest in the game.

The “High Roller” double action revolver is available at any Fence in the game. Besides the unique engraving and polished steel, the revolver is identical to other double-action revolvers. The “Grizzlies Outlaw” outfit can be claimed from the clothing catalog. Players can wear the warm outfit for excursions into the chilly Grizzly mountains in Ambarino.

Players have been largely positive about Red Dead Online during its first week available. The game hasn’t suffered any massive bugs, server issues, or other problems common to anticipated online games. Some players have taken issue with the in-game economy and its grindy nature. Rockstar is taking active feedback around these issues, and said it plans to alter the game’s economy and rewards.

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