pokemon sword and shield legendary zacian

Was the new Pokemon Sword and Shield Legendary inspired by Dark Souls?

New Pokemon Sword and Shield Legendary Zacian was announced during today’s Pokemon Direct, but fans can’t help but notice some similarities between Zacian and a familiar face from Dark SoulsComparisons were drawn almost immediately between the Legendary wolf Zacian and Dark Souls boss Sif, with viewers commenting live during the stream making a note of the resemblance.

Zacian, a wolf-like Pokemon that appears to hold a sword in its mouth, was revealed as Pokemon Sword’s cover Legendary but little else is known about the mysterious Pokemon. The official Sword and Shield website describes Zacian as attacking so gracefully that its movements captivate even its opponents, so we can assume it is quite the swordsperson/wolf. He will partner the Legendary from Pokemon Shield, Zamazentain what will undoubtedly be a vital role in the latest installments in the Pokemon franchise.

But Zacian is not the first wolf to wield a blade in this manner, which Pokemon and Dark Souls fans were quick to point out. Sif, or Great Grey Wolf Sif to give him his full title, has held the throne as the best weapon wielding boy since Dark Souls was released in 2011. The Dark Souls boss faced players, issuing them with many a ‘You Died’ game over screen, in a graveyard protecting the grave of his fallen comrade Artorias.

In an attempt to prevent the player from suffering the same fate as his friend Sif employs a number of acrobatic maneuvers to best manipulate the blade he is equipped with. Zacian is seen engaging in similar leaping attacks during his unveiling earlier today only fueling comparisons between the two.

An image of the Legendary Pokemon Zacian and its sword can be viewed below:

pokemon sword and shield zacian

And here’s Great Grey Wolf Sif, looking mightily similar to our new Poke-friend:

pokemon sword and shield legendary

Today’s Pokemon Direct featured a bunch of new info, as a number of new Pokemon were unveiled, as were the kaiju-like Dynamax Pokemon and the new Wild Areas which will bring co-op open world gameplay to the series for the first time.

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