Square Enix Lawyers Attack Fan-Made Web Video Series, Critical Hit

Remember this? Well, as we all pretty much expected, Square Enix jumped in and got the project shut down. The Kickstarter page for the fan-made Final Fantasy VII web series now shows nothing but this takedown notice.  Linked from the page, we find this notice that Square Enix emailed to Kickstarter:

Square Enix is the owner of all intellectual property rights to the Final Fantasy® franchise under which videogames, online services, and motion pictures have been published. The videogame Final Fantasy VII has been registered with the Copyright Office, including but not limited to, US Copyright No. TX0004508436 and V3519D554.

The link provided directs you to the project Final Fantasy VII: The Web Series.

The project itself is in infringement of our copyrights and should be removed in its entirety from Kickstarter.

There's more to it, but that's all that matters.

How OC Remix got around this copyright issue for its Final Fantasy VI remix album was, as it stated in its superior Kickstarter page, was by actually buying the rights to the music. You can bet that the rights to Final Fantasy VII would cost more than perhaps any other Final Fantasy. (Note: I wrote that sentence having absolutely no idea how much any of this costs and without being familiar with the process of buying rights.)

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