Pokkén Tournament Won’t Include Tekken Characters, Will Include All Types of Pokémon

Earlier this week, The Pokémon Company and Bandai Namco announced a new Pokémon fighting game. It's called Pokkén Tournament and will be hitting arcades in Japan next year.

The game is being developed by the Tekken team, which has led many to wonder whether or not characters from that franchise will be facing off against the roster of Nintendo's collectible monsters. In a post on Twitter, translated by Eventhubs, Bandai Namco Director Katsuhiro Harada explained:

​Nope, Tekken characters will not be making an appearance. As we're making a Pokemon fighting action battle game, I've already touched on this while on the livestream, but in this game there will not be a high/mid/low guard system mechanic. Instead, we're planning to include a new type of [mechanic].

In addition, Harada confirmed that there will be all sorts of Pokémon, not just fighting-type creatures. I can only imagine what it would be like to face off against a Machamp as the tiny and delicate Pichu. Something tells me that bite-sized mouse won't make it into the roster.

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