New World find fibers get hemp craft fishing pole

How to get fiber in New World and make a fishing pole

Players will want to get fibers early on in New World since it’s used to make a fishing pole. However, the game doesn’t give users fibers or explain where it’s obtained. Fortunately, finding a location to get fibers in New World isn’t too difficult (at least for those that can make it past the queue).

Where to find fibers in New World and how to make a fishing pole

New World Fibers Trading Post

Fibers can be obtained in New World by either harvesting hemp or purchasing it from the trading post.

Most of the early tools can be crafted using flint and green wood, but the fishing pole needs an ingredient that is elusive in the early game: fibers. Fibers aren’t too difficult to find in New World, but none of the early quest givers will point players in the direction of this crafting item. Instead, users are on their own to find a supply.

There are two ways we’ve discovered to find fibers in New World:

  • Harvesting hemp.
  • Purchasing it from the trading post.

Hemp is fairly abundant in the game. It’s a tall plant with purple buds and can be harvested using a sickle. To find hemp, players just need to explore the wilderness until they bump into a patch. Fortunately, when players reach level 25 in harvesting, they can begin tracking hemp on the map, which is extremely handy.

Even easier than harvesting hemp is just outright buying fibers. When visiting their first town, players are introduced to the trade exchange, and fibers are a low-cost item. The fishing pole only requires three fibers, which should cost under ten coins.

Once players have three fibers, they just need a single green wood to construct the pole. There should still be some left over from an earlier quest, but if not it can be easily obtained by cutting down young trees or harvesting bushes.

When players have the materials required, they can craft a wooden fishing pole at any campfire.

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