Former BioShock, Halo Devs Announce PC Survival Game

A new game is seeking funding on Kickstarter and it's being developed by some of the industry's best and brightest. The studio behind the project is made up of folks who worked on hit game franchises like BioShock, Halo, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band. Not a shabby pedigree.

The game is called The Flame in the Flood and is described as being "a rogue-lite river journey through the backwaters of a forgotten post-societal America" where players "forage, craft, evade predators." For more details, check out the video below.

The game is looking to raise $150,000, and as of this posting, nearly $47,000 has already been pledged. If you want to throw a few bucks their way, you can do so right here.

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