Football Manager 2022 PS5

When is the Football Manager 2022 PS5 and PS4 release date?

Football Manager 2022 is coming soon to Xbox Series X, Series S, and Xbox One. Meanwhile, FM22 Touch is making its way exclusively to Nintendo Switch, Switch Lite, and OLED models. But, where does that leave Sony PlayStation fans? Is there a Football Manager 2022 PS5 and PS4 release date coming up? Here’s the latest on a potential FM22: PlayStation Edition launch from SEGA and Sports Interactive.

Is a Football Manager 2022 PS5 version coming out?

Football Manager 2022 PS5 release date

The Football Manager 2022 console release date is November 9, 2021. There’s no FM22: PlayStation Edition for PS5 consoles, however, as the game is an Xbox console exclusive.

SEGA and Sports Interactive don’t have any public plans to launch a Football Manager 22 PS5 version at this time. FM games don’t typically come to PlayStation platforms, which is a pattern that doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon. Although the PlayStation 5 is more than capable of running the new sports simulation title — plus the dev team already has the game working on controllers — there’s no PS port in the works.

Is a Football Manager 2022 PS4 version coming out?

Football Manager 2022 PS4 release date

FM22 is available on consoles following its November 9, 2021 release date. The game is an Xbox exclusive, so there’s no Football Manager 2022 PS4 release date.

Since past Football Manager games aren’t on PlayStation 4, it doesn’t seem likely that the series’ latest entry will make the transition. It’s possible that Microsoft has an exclusivity deal in place for its platforms; just like its predecessor, FM22 is coming to Game Pass on Xbox consoles and PC at launch. Although there’s no official confirmation of such a partnership, it’s one potential explanation for the lack of a Football Manager 2022: PlayStation Edition on PS4.

For more on FM22, check out the best teams to manage and how to get real kits and players.

In other news, a weird new iPhone “Ear Button” is confusing some iOS 15.1 users.

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